Union Jacks

美 [ˈjuːniən dʒæks]英 [ˈjuːniən dʒæks]
  • n.英国国旗;联合王国国旗
  • Union Jack的复数
Union JacksUnion Jacks

Union Jacks


  • 1
    N-COUNT 联合王国国旗;英国国旗
    The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It consists of a blue background with red and white crosses on it.

  1. They stood waving their union jacks and singing lustily .


  2. The small British crowd roared themselves hoarse , waving their Union Jacks .


  3. It had been an increasingly tense and awkward several days for the Olympic hosts , who 've been packing the stands when medals have been on the line in their targeted events - hoping and praying and grimacing and waving little Union Jacks .
